Lifetrak Color ComfortFit Bands – Buy Now

What do you get with Lifetrak watch series wristband?

Lifetrak band ComfortFit fits all Lifetrak series activity tracker models C series Core C200, Move C300, and Fit C410, also R series including R410, R420 R440, and R450 models


  • Reversible/interchangeable bands for full customization
  • Durable Polyurethane Bands
  • The locking mechanism allows for easy closure
  • Clasp orientation can be rotated for a more refined fit

The wristband is reversible and replaceable, with a choice of several colors available, you can choose the one that suits your mood and matches your outfit. Being healthy doesn’t have to hinder your sense of style. The sleek looking is sure to turn heads while the interchangeable color bands will inspire you to stay motivated. Meeting your fitness goals never looked or felt so good.

lifetrak color bands


How to change the bands ?

See the video below for how to change and remove the bands

How many colors do Lifetrak bands have?

Lifetrak offers more than 15 different combinations of colors.

comfortFit Lifetrak Band

Lifetrak activity trackers battery replacement

Battery replacement for LifetrakOne of the best features of the Lifetrak activity trackers is battery life. Unlike other activity trackers on the market, rather than having to take it off and recharge every few days. The battery life on the Lifetrak devices can last up to about a year depending on the usage and the models. The Lifetrak C410 and C300 have a syncing feature with a smartphone, they will not last as long as the Lifetrak C200. The new Lifetrak R415 has notification feature so the battery life will expect to be much shorter. When the device reaches low battery you will need to replace the battery. All Lifetrak models use CR2032 size battery. The manufacturer recommends going to a watch repair shop to get the battery replaced, as the device’s water-proof seal can be broken if not handled properly. However the battery replacement is not difficult to do, you can watch the following video. The battery can be purchased online here. DIY and Save!



When do I need to replace the battery?

  • The watch can not sync to the phone
  • The LCD becomes dim when the backlight turns on
  • The LCD becomes dim when the heart rate is acquired
  • The LCD is blank out
  • The LCD is dim