Today July 11, 2013 Salutron unveils their new Lifetrak Move C300. Leading the Revolution for Better Health through Better Science.
“Style and ease of use make integrating the LifeTrak Move C300 into your lifestyle simple. The full display right on your wrist and open API platform, which allows universal integration to some of the most popular health and fitness apps, keeps you motivated to achieve your goals. With the touch of a button you can see your daily and weekly progress so staying on track with personal goals has never been easier, or more affordable.”
“Advances in technology are making things we only imagined a decade ago a reality today,” said Dr. Jin Lee, Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President of Engineering at Salutron. “The Linea Research technology recently acquired by Salutron expands the company’s technology portfolio to leverage ongoing leading edge research with NASA, DoD, DARPA and DHS. Through relationships like these, Salutron is positioned to continue to provide premier monitoring science to consumers across the globe and to put the science that goes to space on people’s wrists. We believe the future holds endless possibilities for technology that will help to create healthier lifestyles and we are committed to being the leading provider of solutions that empower people everywhere to live longer, healthier lives.”
Read full press release here. The Move C300 is current offering at discount price below $50,*** buy it now ***
Watch the Video on Lifetrak Move C300: